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New Property Form

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Property Info
Select the fields you want to include in your Welcome Guide
Property Essentials
Provide your network's name and password so your guests can quickly connect to the internet.
Describe what you offer for entertainment (e.g., Apple TV, Roku TV, FireTV).
Explain how to change the temperature in the room(s). Indicate the location of the thermostat and provide any special instructions.
Describe what you offer and indicate their location.
Explain how to dispose of the garbage.
Indicate location and any special instructions
Describe the check-out process. Is there anything special your guests should do?
For the Bathroom
Provide your network name and password so your guests can quickly connect the internet.
Describe what you offer for entertainment (e.g., Apple TV, Roku TV, FireTV).
Explain how to change the temperature in the room(s). Indicate the location of the thermostat and provide any special instructions.
Explain how to change the temperature in the room(s). Indicate the location of the thermostat and provide any special instructions.
Explain how to change the temperature in the room(s). Indicate the location of the thermostat and provide any special instructions.
For the Bedroom
Provide your network name and password so your guests can quickly connect the internet.
Describe what you offer for entertainment (e.g., Apple TV, Roku TV, FireTV).
Explain how to change the temperature in the room(s). Indicate the location of the thermostat and provide any special instructions.
Describe what you offer for entertainment (e.g., Apple TV, Roku TV, FireTV).
For the Kitchen
Provide your network name and password so your guests can quickly connect the internet.
Describe what you offer for entertainment (e.g., Apple TV, Roku TV, FireTV).
Explain how to change the temperature in the room(s). Indicate the location of the thermostat and provide any special instructions.
Describe what you offer for entertainment (e.g., Apple TV, Roku TV, FireTV).
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